Last weekend we went to Utah for Damon's state wrestling match, he took second. It was a hard loss for him. Sometimes we get to celebrate together and other times we cry together but how wonderful to be able to do it together. Families are the greatest we it was great to be together. We love you Damon, your #1 always to us! We celebrated Dantz's b-day while we were down there. Happy Birthday Dantz, we love you! The kids made her a very big Birthday Banner and Adam fixed her a fabulous breakfast! Dan got paper deer horns for the kids at Cabela's and they were a hit.
We got lots of laughs from the kids (Addys hair got the most laughs I think)Wish I would of got a picture of Adam and the kids sliding down the basement stairs in a slick sleeping bag, it didn't sound like a very smooth ride but the kids thought it was great! Hope everyone one had a great Valentines Day!