Thursday, April 16, 2009

Springs first delights


g.suzie said...

Cathy, does this mean spring is reallllly here!!!!

Kacie said...

I love your flowers! I wish we could be there to see them! It is so beautiful out here with all the tulips and daffodils! Sounds like camping was a blast! Can't wait till Mike and Jess get here! Love you!

McKayl Lester said...

wow i love the flowers! i miss you so much. i can not wait till my babtisum. spring is so pretty. i think brooklyn is so lucky becase her class got to go to the visating center in the temple. but our hole family will go some day. our curch is right by the temple. so every time we go to the cuch we
will see the temple and evrey time we go we see the temple. i finaley updated my blog.